Born from a heart to eradicate poverty and to provide nutritious food sources year-round to the globe, we decided to use our expertise in the field of aquaponics (the union of hydroponic growing and aquaculture) and design a food system which can be built almost anywhere in the world. Our simple goal was creating the most affordable, robust, simple to build, and easy-to-run, high output aquaponics system. We call this system OASYS.
Rather than creating multiple designs, our target was a system large enough to provide a livable income to a family, workable within 40 hours per week. Need more income? Simply build more systems. By keeping to a single design, training, troubleshooting, maintenance, and managing operations all become simpler.
Our goal is to partner with others who share our mission to launch local food systems to help reduce poverty with dignity. We are happy to provide training and share information with individuals and organizations that are working towards bringing nutritious food, jobs and income to vulnerable communities around the world.
The system
System size - 10 meters wide, 15 meters long
Grow Beds - 6 beds @ 9.2 meters long, 1.2m wide each
3060 total holes for planting produce
10 week grow cycle @ 650 produce units per week
9 week grow cycle @ 675 produce units per week
8 week grow cycle @ 700+ produce units per week
3 IBC tanks for fish with independent shut-offs
Dual pump design for independent water & aeration
Radial, Matala & Biological filtration design
6 grow bed design with independent shutoffs
Our system was designed to use off-the-shelf, common components to keep the costs as low as possible.
Our actual cost to build a system in Central Asia
System build - $20,000 USD
Greenhouse structure*- $12,000 USD
Site/infrastructure expenses - $5,000 USD
TOTAL - $37,000 USD
*The cost and need for a growing environment such as a greenhouse will vary dramatically by region and climate. Some locations will not need a greenhouse and can just use shade cloth, for example.
Estimated man-hours required to operate are around 20 hours per week.

Resources Available
For those deeply committed to building and operating an OASYS system, the first step is signing up for an OASYS training course. You will receive all of the resources below and learn about aquaponics, business, and how to build, operate, and manage our OASYS system.
OASYS Starter Packet - Download Below
This document walks you through everything you need to do before you start building a system. It can be completed before or after taking the OASYS training course.
Build Instructions
​(preview provided with starter packet)
Fully detailed build instructions that walk you step by step through the construction of an OASYS System.
Operations Manual
These are the procedures we use for our own system.
Parts List
Full list of parts to build this in many areas in the world.