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Mountain Ridge


Take an adventure with God


September 19, 2024 - February 14, 2025​​


Discipleship Training School (DTS) helps you find your PASSION, your PURPOSE and your PLACE in God's kingdom. Are you longing to make a tangible difference in the world?  DTS empowers students of all ages to live out a deep sense of rhythm, intimacy, and purpose with God.


DTS is a six-month program. During the first half (Lecture phase) you will be living and learning in Colorado Springs, CO and during the second half (Outreach) you will be living out what you have learned while doing a variety of ministry overseas.




“Can’t say enough about this DTS and this community of believers. If you are hungering for more of God and yearning to share Him with others in tangible, life transforming ways, then this is certainly well worth looking into and praying about.” -Elaine, DTS 2022


"Love it! I have more authority than I know. I can evangelize"


"I thought that the experience was an information overload, but it was a huge time of growth. I think that what I got from lectures I will ponder for the next 50 years."


"Jesus has given me the authority to do great things, and I don't have to be scared I can't because it's not me doing it: It's God."

Our Campus and Mission


Find out what makes YWAM Emerge

a unique ministry within the

Youth with a Mission family

Wooden Board
Concrete Wall
Wooden Board

South Africa


International Impact

We use aquaponics systems as a way to help reduce poverty with dignity for people who make less than $10 a day. We created the OASYS aquaponics system to help families and communities create a sustainable source of produce and income. Our teams help build the systems and teach them how to run them.

Anchor Lecture
During the lecture phase, you will learn about these topics:

-The Father Heart of God
-Recognizing God's Voice
-The Nature & Character of God
-Identity, Destiny, Purpose & Calling
-Spiritual Warfare
-Sin, Redemption & the Cross
-Business Development
-Biblical Worldview & Missions
-The Holy Spirit




Outreach is a time to put everything you learn during the lecture phase into practice! Our outreach teams engage in a variety of ministries- anything from building aquaponics systems to preparing meals for the hungry, giving Bible lessons on the beach to praying for people they meet on the street. No matter what your team does, it will be a life-changing adventure!

WhatsApp Image 2023-02-24 at 8.45.37 AM.jpeg

Course Details


Colorado Springs, CO


Lecture: Sept 19, 2024 - Dec 6, 2024

Outreach: Dec 7,  2024- Feb 14, 2025


Lecture Phase: $3,500 USD

Includes all tuition, food & housing
Outreach Phase: $2,500 USD + Airfare*

Includes food, housing, and activities


*Airfare is generally $1,500-$2,000



Wooden Board

Next Steps

Ready for more? Let's connect! We would love to send you an email with more information or jump on a call with you. 

Application Process

​​Step 1: Fill out application

Step 2: Receive an email confirmation and follow-up

Step 3: Fill out background and beliefs questionnaire

Step 4: Submit references

YWAM Emerge

4135 Shoup Rd

Colorado Springs, CO 80908

Phone: +1 719-695-0330



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