We're different
Like other Youth With A Mission organizations, our staff raise their own support to minister here and around the world. What makes us unique is that we operate a commercial aquaponics system that we use to train individuals and organizations in aquaponics and also to offset our operational costs as we sell lettuce in our community. This means your contributions make a greater impact.
With the help of our donors, we can continue the work God has called us to do. Thank you for your support!
YWAM Emerge is a non-profit corporation organized in accordance with the IRS Code Section 501(c)3.
Recurring gifts will be charged the amount specified according to the frequency specified and will remain in effect until the donor cancels the pledge.
All donations are tax-deductible in the United States.
Mailing a check
Payable to: YWAM Emerge
PO Box 63774
Colorado Springs, CO 80962